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Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The program is used to simulate the 1 by 1 step of encoding. Sumbit answer and presing continue captcha.

How to use the program!

Befor doing all the steps below make sure that the image is aligned in our program.

Click set textbox location button : this button is used to get the location of the Enter Answer textbox. We need to get its location so that the program will enter the answer there.

Step 1. Click Set Textbox location. A pop up will appear just close it. As you will notice the text of the button will change into Done.

Step 2. Move mouse to the location of Enter Answer. Once there press S of your computer's keyboard.

Step 3. Click Done.

Submit loc 1 button: This button is used to get the location of submit answer. We need to get this location so that the program will automatically press the submit answer button.

Step 4. Click Submit loc 1. Close the pop up. The text of the button will change to done.

Step 5. Move the mouse to the location of Submit Answer.

Step 6. Press S in your keyboard.

Step 7. Click Done.

Submit loc 2: Thus button is used to get the location of Continue Captcha button. It appears once you completed the 30 captcha. We need to get this location so that the program will click this button automatically.

Step 8. Click submit loc 2. Close the pop up. Once again the text of the button will change into Done.

Step 9. Move mouse to the location of the Continue Captcha. It should be located below the 1/30 or above the program.

Step 10. Press S in your keyboard.

Step 11. Click done.

Step 12. Click start. The program will do all the work.

Watch the youtube: 

wgcorp250 automation tool

Thursday, August 6, 2020

For wgcorp250 encoders I created a program using visual studio 2010.

This program is not working on any mobile devices. It is only created for desktop and laptop computers with windows. 

View what my tutorial on how to use the program

youtube link 

Download the program below link
wgcorp250 automation tool v1 

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